A Life Changing Discovery – a New Beginning.


Looking back to where everything started, I can single out a number of main events that led me to where I stand today.

One of them captured a special place in my heart. A moment of new beginning, because that morning I started to believe.                                                                                                 The day before, I returned from my first appointment

Life of a diabetic: Constantly injecting and monitoring blood sugar…

with a naturopathic doctor . For the first time I understood what diabetes really meant, what effect it has on numerous body systems. A blood test and a few patient words of explanation and encouragement filled me with hope I never felt before.                                                                                 Unlike countless previous visits to doctors, this one didn’t leave me confused and frustrated. I went back home fascinated with the new information. I found it hard to comprehend that as a 4 year old diabetic I never heard of the importance of enzymes and their role in the pancreas.


Researching for a new life!


I wanted to know more, so I began researching about enzymes and diabetes. As I read, jumping in excitement from one website to another, I stumbled upon testimonies of diabetics who started to take certain types of enzymes as supplements. These people experienced tremendous improvements in their conditions, some even stopped their use of insulin completely!                                                                                                                    New and unfamiliar, an emotion I’ve never felt before settled within me as I read these testimonies. I could reach for healing! HEALING – the “forbidden” word!                            At that moment, the realization struck so deep, I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. I immediately shared my new found hope with my family.                                                          I knew not to expect results right away. Nevertheless, this made sense. I believed in it, and no amount of common depressing diabetic sayings could turn me back.

I don’t feel that I can say I chose this path, rather it chose me, but as my eyes opened to different ways and ideas, I recognized their truth and grasped it.                                 Although the momentary feeling of pure excitement doesn’t linger at all times, the deep conviction that a healthier life exists, will remain rooted within me.                                    As I continue studying, I realize a bit more what world I stepped out of, and the dedication this new lifestyle requires. Yet the assurance that a sturdy, rather than an unpredictable ground lies beneath my feet, by far outweighs the hardships of changes and sacrifices.                                                                                                                             Finding hope and holding on, opens the way to conquering goals we never dreamed of!  If we dare to, we can all hope for better!

One Comment Add yours

  1. Griselda says:

    Beautiful blog my lovely!


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